Thursday, May 01, 2008

Miley Cyrus: role model

Boy, are you people cranky. To wit:

  • The new CNN poll issued today is a historic one -- George Bush is now officially the most unpopular president in U.S. history, with 71 percent of Americans polled disapproving of how he is handling his job as president.
  • Miley Cyrus -- she of the mega-popular Hannah Montana show in the Disney Channel -- has been put through the media wringer by tut-tutting puritanical pundits and parents outraged about a new photo in Vanity Fair which portrays the 15-year-old entertainer exposing... um... well, nothing. Your average teenager swimming down at the local community pool displays more flesh than young Ms. Cyrus does in the photo in question -- they just cover up with swatches of cotton and spandex instead of a rumpled bedsheet.
Now, George Bush has certainly done plenty to deserve your approbation -- don't know if you heard, but the White House has FINALLY come around to agreeing that maybe that "Mission Accomplished" banner wasn't the greatest idea -- but piling on Miley for taking an innocent and rather artistic photo? It's classic postmodern build-'em-up, tear-'em-down behavior. We try to make our stars into way more (squeaky-clean role models) than what they are (entertainers with lives beyond the stage and screen), and then act outraged when our idols behave like three-dimensional human beings. More to the point, shouldn't these kids' role models be someone closer to home, like, say... their parents?

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