Sunday, October 30, 2011

Believe in Me: cover art revealed

When you've been working on something for as long as I've been working on my forthcoming novel Believe in Me (would you believe, I started the first draft in 2002?), you'd think something as simple as a peek at the cover art wouldn't rise to the level of thrilling. Yet there I was earlier this week, staring at the four-inch screen of my iPhone, thoroughly dazzled to see what my publisher Mark Doyon of Wampus Multimedia had come up with.  Leading up to that moment we'd talked at some length about what really constituted the essence of the story, and how to capture those ideas and emotions in a simple, immediately memorable image.  All I can say is, Mark nailed it.  In a single stroke, he made my characters' world real.  And I'm thrilled.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So, here's the thing: I wrote a book

Now, that headline probably doesn’t come as a huge surprise.  As most who read this blog know, I’ve been writing non-fiction about music for 15 years now in the form of reviews and interviews for The Daily Vault; it was really only a matter of time before that became the nucleus for an attempt at fiction as well.

The end result is Believe in Me, a novel of “musical fiction” that will be published in e-book form by Wampus Multimedia on Nov. 29.  There is no physical book, at least not at this stage; instead, I’m joining my friend Wampus Creative Director Mark Doyon out on the electronic frontier.  Wampus has been publishing e-books for several years now, in between releasing some of the most imaginative, challenging, literate indie-rock albums out there.

I could go on with a whole lot of blah blah blah about the story and such here, but Wampus has already set up a couple of places for that to happen, so if you’re so inclined, please join me at and/or to learn more.  Bottom line: I hope you’ll enjoy the book, and that if you do, you’ll tell your friends. That’s how this stuff works circa 2011: it’s all about spreading the word, one e-mail, Facebook status, blog post and tweet at a time.

(Oh, and just for the record, I'm not abandoning this blog... it will be back at some point in the future.  After all, I have a lot of reading list left to explore!)

Take care and don't be a stranger.