Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Sarah Palin pick: focus group

Without intending to, I seem to have convened a focus group. This occurred simply because a good friend of mine is in fact the spot-on demographic for the Sarah Palin pick -- a woman who grew up in a rural community as a lifelong Republican until the party's rightward tilt repelled her, whereupon she went independent. Now she's a suburban soccer mom / working woman, fiscal conservative, potential Hillary Clinton voter and student of both parties whose voting patterns can be quite unpredictable. So how did this perfectly targeted swing voter react to Palin's big-splash speech at the Republican National Convention last night?

And I quote: "Is this the best they could do for a female Republican candidate? She reminds me of a high school cheerleader making snotty comments at a slumber party. Smug, self-righteous and just plain obnoxious. I can't stand her."

Gee, tell us how you really feel...

Personally, I could only manage to watch a few minutes of the convention here and there. I just find the whole "anyone who disagrees with us must not love America" tone of the event too nauseating and offensive to tolerate. I love America and I disagree. Get over it.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I watched it live, and maybe it's just that I'm a 20 year old male, but it didn't hold my attention. Her speaking and the content of her speech were dull and contrived. I was really trying to listen to her with an open mind, but she seemed to stand up there with her little one-liners that were supposed to rouse the crowd into applause, and it seemed like the audience missed the cue a few times. And the whole "Country First" thing. Please.